Best Radar Detectors

Insider Reviews For The Best Products

Cobra DualPro 360 Degree Radar Detector


Cobra created a brand new radar detector that functions better than the old 9-band model and gives you access to a digital app to look for potential dangers. The arrows light up to show where the signals are too.
With front and rear sensors, the DualPro can detect all types of signals around your vehicle. It comes with a Radar App that you can use to keep track of red lights and other threats on the road.
This radar detector can pick up some false signals, especially behind your vehicle. Some users had problems connecting the device to their phones.
Escort IXC Laser Radar Detector


Escort offers the IXC as an updated radar detector that includes a hands-free option and wireless connections. Once you learn how to use the features, you can customize it to work with your driving style.
With a WiFi signal, you can easily keep the radar detector updated to the bands that law enforcement uses. You can use it with the Escort app and use voice controls to keep your hands on the wheel.
This radar detector may ask you to sign up for a premium subscription service and prevent you from using all its features. It can also take a few seconds to pick up a new signal.
Uniden R3 Extreme Long Range Laser Radar Detector


As the R3 uses GPS satellites to find your current location, it produces fewer false alerts than other models do. It also detects all bands and shows you exactly what it found on a bright display.
Not only does the R3 keep you informed of police on the streets, but it can also tell you about upcoming red lights. This model filters out false results and alerts caused by other signals also.
Some found that this model came with a dead battery that would never charge or that the battery stopped charging later. There were issues with the radar detector shutting itself off too.
Radenso XP Radar and Laser Detector


Thanks to a display that shows your current speed and other info, this model can replace your GPS unit. It detects law enforcement signals up to three miles away and runs quietly as you drive.
A lockout feature lets you tell the radar detector when it issued a false alert and keep it from picking up that signal later. Many like that it provides information about speed cameras and red lights too.
This model doesn’t have as many reviews as others, but it did have some complaints from shoppers who found that it shut itself down or that it produced too many false alerts.
Cobra RAD 250 Radar Detector


With a low price tag and some solid features, the Cobra RAD 250 is a good introductory radar detector. It works at one mile or more from signals and is easy to use.
You can adjust the volume on this radar detector and change the brightness of the display during the day. With five levels of detection, it picks up most of the speed traps around you.
This radar detector makes some minor noises that can be distracting, even if it doesn’t detect anything. You may find that it cannot detect some bands in hilly spots or areas with large objects.

Shopping Guide for the Best Radar Detector

When you cruise down the highway and see those flashing red and blue lights behind you, you might feel your heart sink. A speeding ticket can cost you money and may require that you take a day off work for court too. You can easily spot the cops on the road and reduce your speed before they catch you with one of the top radar detectors of 2023. The best radar detector for you might be one that has a longer range or one with a mute feature that you can use when driving with your kids.

Some of the top radar detectors of 2023 also come with new features such as voice commands and monitoring features that will detect all types of bands.

Both the local police departments in your area and the sheriffs use different bands to track speeders on the road. It’s important that you choose a model that can pick up all those bands to avoid all types of tickets. You may want to look at the display and whether it comes with mounting hardware too. Our shopping guide to the best radar detectors will help you learn more about these handy devices and to pick one for your own car.

Selection Criteria

There is no one size fits all approach to buying a new radar detector. Someone who spends hours on the road every day and puts thousands of miles on a vehicle each week needs a different model than someone who simply drives to work and back daily. The right model for you can also depend on where you drive. If you primarily drive on highways, you might need a different device than someone who spends more time on the city and residential streets. We worked with our team and with some experts to track down the five best radar detectors that are suitable for all types of drivers. The models that we found will help you as you drive in the future too.

We first turned to auto and tech experts to see which radar detectors they thought were the best buys of the year. Their advice led us to create a list of more than 20 models that we then found on Amazon. We removed models with outdated technology and those that produce a large number of false alerts. Then we looked at customer reviews and ranked the products based on those reviews. That left us with the five best models that are worth your investment.

Features Found on the Top Radar Detectors

Band Detection
Alarm Detection
Mounting Hardware

Who Will Benefit from a Radar Detector?

No matter how carefully you pay attention to the road, you might miss out on a speed trap or a speed camera attached to a stoplight. A radar detector lets you keep an eye on your speed when needed and still drive as fast as you want. Those who might benefit from using one in their own vehicles include:

As long as you leave the radar detector on, it will continuously monitor all the areas around your car and detect the most popular radar and laser bands used by law enforcement professionals. It will beep and/or produce lights when it picks up on those signals. You can place one on your dashboard or use one on your windshield. Some models are small enough that you can place it in the console of your car too. Radar detectors are suitable for use in any type of vehicle, including commercial vans and trucks.

Dangers of Getting Multiple Speeding Tickets

High Fines
Court Costs
Points on your License
Insurance Rates

Best Radar Detector: Cobra DualPro 360 Degree Radar Detector

No matter where you go, you’ll appreciate how well the Cobra DualPro works. This radar detector has 360-degree detection, which means that it constantly monitors the areas around your vehicle for speed cameras and traps. It responds quickly at the first hint of a signal and uses arrows to let you see where the traps are. Cobra added new technology to reduce the false alerts that you typically hear. This technology keeps the detector from picking up the store signs and anything else that you drive by. The DualPro also comes with a charging port for fast charging, a carrying bag and a window mount.
With the new Radar app from Cobra, you can keep your radar detector updated in the future. This lets you access the cloud and view the speed traps that other drivers found and add information of your own. The more that you drive, the more the device will customize itself to your driving style. It will learn what signals to ignore to prevent false signals. You can use the auto-learn setting too, which includes five different filters that filter the signals and alerts that you don’t want to hear or see on the road.

Portable vs. Installed Models

When most people think of radar detectors, they think of the portable models that they used in the past. There is a second option, which is an installed model. To get one of these, you need to visit a mechanic or a car parts store in your area and buy the device. If you buy one from a mechanic, the shop can install it for you. When you buy one online or from a parts store, you’ll need to either install it yourself or find someone who can install it. The radar detector will become a permanent part of your car and part of your dash. The device will get energy from the motor. As installed models are quite expensive and come with a number of problems, we focused on portable models for our list. You can use one anywhere in your car and switch it between vehicles as needed. Portable radar detectors are less expensive and usually sell for $500 or less. You’ll find some more affordable options too, which we’ll talk about in another section. Portable radar detectors do a good job of picking up any law enforcement radars or signals in the vicinity and will show you information about those signals.

Types of Wood

One thing you may want to consider as you look at different guitars is the type of wood used in its construction. The type or types of wood used will often depend on the cost of the guitar. Some of the cheaper models use ash, which isn’t nearly as strong as other types. Using ash keeps the cost done and produces a number of lighter notes. If you’re rougher on your instruments though, you may find that the wood cracks in the middle of a gig. Many of the top models use rosewood, which is a much stronger type of wood. With rosewood, you can play both lighter and deeper notes with ease. Most models use rosewood just on the fret or on other parts of the guitar and not on the top or sides.

Most of the acoustic guitars available today use one type of wood on both sides and back and a second type on the top. You may prefer one that uses the same stain or finish on all parts or one with a different finish on the top. Acoustic guitars often use spruce on the top because it can handle constant playing with a cheaper type of wood on the sides.

Portable Radar
Installed Radar

Benefits of a Portable Radar Detector

  • Mounting options: With a portable model, you can mount the radar detector in various ways around your car. The most popular options include on the dashboard and on the windshield. Those used on a dash might move as you drive and slide around in your car though. Most models come with some type of mounting tools.
  • Charging choices: You’ll get a cord that helps you easily charge your radar detector without connecting it to your motor too. This cord plugs into the same cigarette lighter or adapter that you might use for your phone. Once the model charges, you can unplug it and use it without that cord.
  • Use in multiple cars: The number one reason why shoppers pick portable models over installed radar detectors is that they can use one in more than one car. You can pop it in your main vehicle when you drive to work every day and then use it your SUV before taking off on a road trip. Many also like that they can use one in their work and personal vehicles. Not only can you use your radar detector in your personal vehicle on road trips, but you can also plug it into the commercial truck or van that you drive for work.

What Signals Can a Radar Detector Pick Up?

Garage Doors
Radios Signals
Automatic Store Doors
Television Signals

Corded vs. Cordless Radar Detectors

Though there are both corded and cordless radar detectors available, most drivers find that one fits their needs better than the other does. Cordless models are popular with those who drive more than one vehicle on a regular basis. You can set it in your console or use it on your dashboard. It comes with a charger that lets you charge it either in your home or in your car. The biggest downside to this type is that it will often move around in your car. If you take a corner too quickly, you can expect to see the device slide across the dash and land in your floor.

Corded models are popular with those who want to avoid false alerts and get accurate information. These radar detectors mount on your windshield and have a cord that you’ll plug into your cigarette lighter or adapter. As this type sits higher up in your car and has a clear view of the outside world, it will typically produce more accurate alerts and warnings. Corded radar detectors tend to produce fewer false alerts too. Some of these models have an internal battery that you can charge with the cord before unplugging it and using it as a cordless model.

Escort IXC Laser Radar Detector

The IXC from Escort is easily one of the best radar detectors for 2023. It takes everything you liked about the iX and updates it for drivers. When you connect the device to the cloud, you can use crowdsourced information to see where speed traps are on your path and the location of red light cameras. The app that gives you this information lets you share some info of your own. With this radar detector, you can download the Escort Live app too. This app gives you access to more than 100 million alerts every year to learn from other users.
Many drivers also like the auto-learn feature that learns their routes and how they drive. You can adjust the sensitivity level to hear and see fewer alerts and add filtering that removes certain types of signals. This feature also uses GPS to determine your location to show you common hazards to avoid. As long as you keep driving with the radar detector turned on, it will learn more about your driving habits. If you want to keep your eyes on the road, you’ll also like the built-in voice alerts that tell you both the type of detection it found and the location of that signal.

Laser Detection

One of the most important features you should look for when examining radar detectors is 360-degree detection. Police officers sometimes sit in their vehicles and point their radar guns straight at the street to see how fast people drive by. Their radar guns give them the exact speed of your vehicle. While you might think that you can easily spot that officer and lower your speed ahead of time, factors such as plants and trees on the side of the road and other vehicles around you can interfere with your line of vision. Some radar detectors will only monitor the area ahead of you, which will keep you from spotting officers in other areas.
The best models offer 360-degree detection. This means that the radar detector will continuously monitor all the angles and directions around your vehicle. It can send out a signal when an official police vehicle comes up behind you or when you pass an officer sitting in a parking lot. You can think about this is the same way that you would AC. Would you prefer having a fan pointed right at your body or central AC that surrounds your body? With 360-degree detection, you get all the protection that you need.

Radar Detector and Sensitivity

A false alert occurs when the radar detector picks up on a signal that it should not and releases an alert. Depending on how often and where you drive, those signals can occur more often than you would like. You really need to look at the sensitivity of the radar detector to get an idea of how many false alerts it will issue. The sensitivity also lets you know whether it can pick up radars and lasers further away from you.

One thing you need to consider is whether the device has separate modes for highway and city driving. Cities are full of bands that your detector can pick up as radar or laser bands, including the opener you use with your garage door and the television that your family watches. Highway mode is much more sensitive than highway mode. It has a much wider focus and can pick up more types of bands. City mode has a much narrower sensitivity and will typically reduce the false alerts that you hear. Many of the models we looked at come with highway mode as a default setting. You can change it to a city setting before or while driving through a residential area.

Internet Access

You may want to narrow down your radar detectors to only those that are internet compatible. To connect a device to the internet, you can either use a WiFi connection or Bluetooth. With Bluetooth, you’ll turn on the radar detector and wait a moment before checking your phone. You should see the device listed in your Bluetooth settings. Once you select the radar detector, you can connect it to the internet through your phone. Some models have a wireless internet setting and will work via a wireless connection. Both methods are handy when you’re away from home.

That connection allows you to access crowdsourced apps from official manufacturers and third-party developers. The next time that you find yourself in traffic, you can log into the app and add a note about what you see. If you access the same app via your radar detector, you can view info posted by other users. This helps you avoid traffic jams and other problems while on your way to work or when you’re on vacation. Many of these apps also allow users to share details about any things they saw such as speed traps they spotted or any speed cameras that they encountered in the area.

Uniden R3 Extreme Long Range Laser Radar Detector

False signals can leave you wanting to tear your hair out, but the R3 from Uniden is a radar detector that weeds out some of those signals. This keeps it from detecting the signals used by a neighbor’s garage door or the automatic doors at your favorite store from setting off the radar detector. It uses a signal processor that actually processes every signal it encounters and only sends those you need to know about to you. This model is much more sensitive than others and can pick up signals at a greater distance than other radar detectors can.

The R3 comes with a quiet mode that is great for those who like silence when they drive. This feature allows you to mute the radar detector and view the info that you need on the display. It also uses GPS to find your current location. The R3 then uses those satellites to tell you about red lights before you come up to one. This model comes with two brackets attached to a suction cup for easy mounting it on your windshield. You also get a cigarette adapter that plugs into any car outlet for fast charging of the radar detector while on long road trips.

Do You Need an Instant On Feature?

When a member of law enforcement shines a radar detector at you and picks up your speed, it is proof that you went over the posted speed limit. It does not matter if you didn’t notice a new sign or if you didn’t know that the maximum limit changed. That officer has the right to pull you over and issue a citation. The officer may give you a warning rather than a ticket. Some drivers find that their radar detectors are a little too slow and that they don’t pick up the radar used in a local jurisdiction until the gun already determined their speeds. If you want to avoid as many tickets as possible, you should look for a device with an instant on feature.

The instant on gives you a few extra seconds to bring down your speed. This feature detects bands directly in front of your car. As soon as it notices any band, the device will issue an alert and instantly come on. This gives you enough time to bring your speed down to a legal limit before that gun goes off. Even if you can’t get down to the legal limit, you can significantly reduce your speed in those few seconds.

Voice vs. Visual Alerts

Car shoppers today often complain about vehicles that come with touchscreen controls rather than push buttons. You spend years hearing people tell you to always keep your eyes on the road and suddenly need to look down for a second to adjust the AC or change radio stations. That is just enough time for an accident to happen. If you want to avoid your chances of suffering a car accident, you may want to look for a radar detector with a voice command feature. Though this is a little more expensive than the lights and display found on a base model, it’s worth the extra money.

Voice alerts actually let you know when there are radar guns and speed traps around you but do not require that you check the display on the detector to see that information. Voice alerts will tell you when and what type of gun or trap it found and the general location of it. Some cheaper models use visual alerts. You might see arrows that change colors based on the band found. We recommend those with arrows that light up too because the arrows point in the direction of the band. If you often have passengers in your car, you might feel comfortable using a radar detector with simple alerts.


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